Frequently Asked Questions

The Foundation raises money to take on projects that go beyond the basics. Since 1997, BPLF has raised $8 million+ to help advance the library’s strategic plans, with emphasis on projects and innovations that will make our great library extraordinary.

All five Berkeley Public Library locations need our support. Unrestricted gifts allow the Foundation to make grants to the library where the greatest needs exist and to support strategic plans that are designed to benefit the city’s entire library system.

Yes! Your gift in honor or memory of someone will be recognized in the Foundation’s Donor Report and in other communications when appropriate.

Members of the Rosa Shattuck Circle—donors with annual gifts of $1,000—enjoy access to special events. The Library Fan Club recognizes donors with ongoing gifts of any size. Donors are recognized in the Foundation’s Donor Report. All donors receive notification of Foundation events and an e-newsletter.

Tax funds provide for the library’s general operating budget: keeping the doors open, lights on, staff working. Taxes also pay for the library’s regular maintenance needs, building the collection, and support for some community programs. Still, these funds are insufficient for special projects, interior upgrades, and technology and innovations that help our library excel.

The Berkeley Public Library means peace of mind.
Somewhere I can go to focus and relax.

–Charlie, Library Patron

Have questions? Please contact us!